Shareinvestor Shareinvestor

Beyond a suite of fundamental data and technical charts that is readily available for your investment analysis across 7 markets, ShareInvestor introduces 3 new features to take your investment to new heights.

What’s more. We are extending a promo of 30% for new 12-month plan.

New Features at a Glance

Intrinsic Value Analysis

Intrinsic Value Analysis

Discover undervalue stocks and compare them against their peers - locally and globally

Peer Comparison

Peer Comparison

Discover the potential of the company by understanding how it is performing against its peers



Forecast future price trend with knowledge of substantial shareholders and their business strategies

Intrinsic Value Analysis

Intrinsic value is the perceived or calculated value of a company, including tangible and intangible factors, using fundamental analysis and this calculation is an important part of how Warren Buffet invests.

Intrinsic Value Analysis Tool

Unlike various intrinsic value calculator in the market, ShareInvestor uses historical data to analyse and derive the intrinsic value of listed companies across 7 markets. There are also three different valuation models: Discounted earnings, Discounted cash flow and Gordon growth to facilitate calculation.

Intrinsic Value

Flexibility to customize your searches. Pre-fill criteria are based on historical data. (Hover on yellow dot to show detail).

Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic Value, margin of safety and current share price at one glance.

Peer Comparison

Compare the stock against industry and peers (both local and globally)

Intrinsic Value

Data in tabular form

Peer Comparison

When evaluating a potential stock, one of the approaches is to look at what peers – or companies that are comparable in some way – trade for. It has proved to be efficient and effective way to uncover stocks that maybe undervalued, and which might make good additions to a portfolio.

Peer Comparison Analysis

ShareInvestor offers the peer comparison against Industry, Local and Global peers at one glance.

Peer Comparison


High insider ownership typically signals confidence in a company’s prospect and hence, paying close attention to what insiders do with company shares can result in reasonable assumption of the company business strategies and future price trends.

Top 20 Shareholders

With timely updates, ShareInvestor's data on share ownership allows investors to gain knowledge of the impact on purchases and sales by substantial shareholders. Beyond the information readily available in the market, the platform presents the breakdown of the nominee shareholder.

Top 20 Shareholders

Significant Shareholders

With timely updates, ShareInvestor’s data on share ownership allows investors to gain knowledge of the impact on purchases and sales by substantial shareholders. Beyond the information readily available in the market, the platform presents the breakdown of the nominee shareholder.

Significant Shareholders

At $17 a month, you can gain access to fundamental data and technical charts across 7 markets.

To enjoy 30% for a 12-month plan, key in promo code: SGNEWFEATURE
